Sunday, October 18, 2015

Stupid Bells

Why do the bells ring?

A seemingly simple question. With an even simpler answer. 

With the renovated chapel at UD officially open for business the bells are ringing on the hour. 

With this "new development" my boss asked her class the simple question why do the bells ring. The question in one sense stumped them. 

The very practical answer is well they ring every hour. Which of course is now true. But that doesn't answer the why in its fullest sense. Sure church bell towers helped to establish the modern system of time that we have. Most specifically the bells were used as a call to prayer. Conveniently enough the times for prayer were also great times to break from work and eat. 

However the reality is that the bells ring not only to call us to prayer, but most fully to call our attention toward God. Let us build a tower and fill it with bells and when the bells ring out the people will naturally look up and behold the beauty of the sky and all that is around them. They will this find the beauty of God in all things and the sweet music that the bells make will again draw our attention towards God. 

This question has become something I know ask myself one regular basis. Why do the bells rings. Obviously I know the answer so why do I keep asking? Why do the bells ring? 
In a sense (one of my new favorite noncommittal phrases) in asking myself this question even when the bells aren't ringing I am asking myself to reflect on the that which deserves the greatest importance! A call to reflect on God. To direct my attention towards that which is far superior, to call my attention towards God! 

Peace and Blessings Always 

Disclaimer: this was typed out on my phone.