Saturday, March 9, 2019

A Millennial Obsession with Lent

After weeks (possibly months) of trying to find a time to get lunch my friend David and I were finally able to share a meal together this past Thursday.

Having nearly forgotten why we were planning to get lunch in the first place, we simply let the natural progression of conversation take its course. This naturally took us down the path of talking about all matter of Catholic things. It all started however with David saying he had a thought earlier that week and wondered if I might have anything to say or write about the matter.

Seeing as I always have an opinion on practically everything, I did, in fact, have a thought on the matter. However, before this lunch never would have thought about writing about it. So as they say this one's for you David.

The topic was the fact that there seems to be a substantial Millennial obsession with the Lenten season. That preparatory time for Catholics and many/most Christians from Ash Wednesday (or Fat Tuesday) until Easter.

I was naturally inclined to wave my arms through the air and say "but of course Millennial's are obsessed with Lent, however, it has less to do with their being Millennial's and far more to do with the fact of how old the millennials are." David sat patiently and listened as I explained this theory of how Millennial's seemed to be obsessed with Lent because it is a new and exciting practice that they are participating in for the first time as young adults living their own lives. Having less to do with anything other than that they seem to be the right age for the season to have a more outwardly significant value. Older folks simply live their Lenten practices as a part of their daily Lenten existence having formed a deep and lasting relationship with the liturgical season. Young children are first learning about it and struggling with the practice or simply wanting to live in defiance of overly pious parents. Millennials are just the perfect age for the obsession.

While I think, everything outlined above does hold to be true and accurate in some way shape or form for some of the outlined age demographics it cannot be the whole picture for all, including our young Millennial friends. A reality David was ready and aptly pointed out to me. Were it not for David I likely would not have given the topic a second thought. I waved my arms, I said things that made sense and that was the end of it.

Fortunately, that is not the case and David pushed me to think more deeply on the matter. His pushing, in fact, resulted in the festering of the question, "why are Millennial's so obsessed."

What follows, I'm sure will be yet another incomplete understanding of a massive grouping of people, complete with arms waving and all, but is the second conclusion I have come to with regard to this question.

In part, there is a millennial obsession with Lent because there is a millennial obsession with authenticity. Not only are Millennial's committed to authentically living their own lives as their own authentic selves there is a further commitment/expectation by/from Millennial's that institutions, be it corporations, communities, or even the Catholic Church, be authentic as well.

Specifically, during this Lenten season, I think there is a desire among millennial's to see the Catholic Church be authentically herself in apologizing, in asking for forgiveness, for repentance, and for profound humility.

Not only are Millennials looking forward to and obsessed with Lent for their own Lenten practices and experiences but for the Church's as well. Perhaps you've noticed this apparent obsession and wondered why. Hopefully, these insights are worth pondering as you continue to wrestle with this question as I am sure I will as well. Arm waving complete.

Peace and Blessings Always