Meditation Series part one (... = long pause).
(Feel free to play some calming music in the background. Not sure what to use CLICK HERE)
Breathe in...
And out...
Breathe in...
And out...
Breathe in...
And out...
Settle into the space you are in.
Get Comfortable.
Feel yourself begin to relax as you continue to breathe...
Breathe in...
And out...
And out...
And out...
In your mind, picture a bench. Not just any bench. This is your bench. Focus on your bench. Don't worry about what's surrounding the bench, just picture your bench. Maybe this is a bench you've sat on before. Maybe it's just the first image that popped into your mind. This is your bench.
What can you see about your bench? What is your bench made of? Is it wood? Is it concrete? Is it metal? Plastic? Is it grown from the earth? Is it cement?
Picture your bench.
Breathe in...
And out...
And out...
And out...
What about the legs on your bench? Are they metal? Cast iron? Wood? What is it that holds your bench up?
Breathe in...
And out...
And out...
And out...
Now imagine yourself sitting on your bench. What does it feel like? Is it comfortable? Is it hard? Is it cold? Does it creek or make any noise?
What does it feel like to sit on your bench? Do you feel peaceful? Can you relax? What do you feel as you sit on your bench?
Breathe in...
And out...
And out...
And out...
Slowly return to your surroundings. As you return to the space around you, thank yourself for giving yourself the time to be present in this moment. To spend time thinking about your bench.
Breathe in...
And out...
And out...
And out...
During future meditations in this series, you will be invited to return to your bench. Be mindful that as you go your bench may change. Maybe as you're walking through your day to day life you find a new bench.
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