Monday, August 22, 2022

Damn Semantics!

The other day (by this I mean several weeks ago) I was able to spend time with one of my friends and his family. In fact, I was fortunate enough to spend time with them all twice in the space of a single week. Since this was just the other day I'm not struggling to remember if that happened at his birthday party or at the lake house his family vacationed at for a week. Most assuredly however I do remember that at one of these encounters my friend's mom made a comment about how her son and I met playing chess and became friends as a result. For some reason, instead of just saying yes, or letting the comment pass by without a comment I felt the need to clarify and say, "well no, we didn't meet playing chess, we became friends and then mostly during our senior year in our free time we would play chess from time to time." 

To this moment I still don't know why it was important to me that I make this clarification. It had no merit and no impact on the situation. As I think back on the exchange if anything I worry that I offended my friend's mom by correcting her. 

Now perhaps no one better than my own mother knows how ridiculously particular I can be. For years and years, especially my high school years my mom and I would go back and forth arguing over semantics. To this day she will say one thing, mean something drastically different and at times not understand why that drives me nuts. 

For years and years, I've been overly difficult at times when it comes to using more precise language and have found myself seemingly needlessly arguing over semantics. The other day someone kept referring to buying curtain rods and curtains as buying blinds. I was honestly confused/misunderstood. I will say I was successful in not correcting this person or making a big to do about it. 

And yet there are times when I myself am less precise and don't seem to give a damn about semantics and use phrases interchangeably. So I'm left to wonder, why do I care so much about the damn semantics? At least, why do I care so much sometimes about the damn semantics? 

I think the answer is because sometimes it actually matters. One such example that comes to mind in this area is when it comes to nature and the outdoors. Anyone who knows me knows I don't prefer the outdoors. I am not someone who is going to spend their free time out in the sun, on the beach, hiking, or anywhere that may lead me to any discomfort. So I've come to say I don't prefer the outdoors, I don't do the outdoors, though I may look like a mountain man, I'm no outdoorsman. I don't even own flannel in order to not die from overheating and to avoid the comparison to a lumberjack. 

Nevertheless, I have a deep love and appreciation for the outdoors and for nature. If you wander my house and office you will see a number of pieces of artwork depicting the outdoors and nature. If you ask for me to write a meditation or reflection, or ask to read some of the reflections/meditations I have already written you will learn that I have a great love for and respect of nature. I've even contemplated writing an entire series of reflections that I share here on this blog that would have a great deal to do with nature and the outdoors. The simple reality is that I just prefer to experience nature and the outdoors from the indoors. 

These are the moments when it becomes so desperately important for me to be precise and care about the damn semantics. Even if I don't want to spend my time in nature, I still have an abiding love and admiration for all she has to offer. It's complicated. As a result, I want to make sure I'm clear in my communication so that you too can be clear in your understanding. I'm not an outdoors person, but I do love nature... It doesn't make sense, it may seem contradictory, yet nevertheless, it is true. 

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