While I truly love to travel I am also a massive homebody and find myself increasingly introverted and more specifically introspective when traveling. From sitting at the airport to the flight, the Uber rides, and aimlessly wandering I find myself to be far more contemplative in these moments than I typically am in my everyday life. When the trip includes Mountains I find myself to be even more struck by the wonder and awe that surrounds me. As I sat eating lunch in the Salt Lake City International Airport I had a beautiful view of the mountain range that Salt Lake as a city hugs (See photo below, thanks to United/Dan Ingram for letting me fly the friendly skies).
Having arrived very late in the evening Friday to Salt Lake I didn't fully understand the immense and as my Uber driver described it "undeniable" beauty of the city. It wasn't until I was in the light of day Saturday that I truly began to comprehend where it was that I found myself.
Now naturally in true nerd fashion Anytime I spent time simply sitting gazing at the mountains I could hear nothing but Bilbo Baggins voice in my head saying "I want to see mountains again, mountains Gandalf!" (Click Here for Clip) more and more I find myself relating to Bilbo more and more... perhaps 26 is the new 111.
Even more truly in nerd fashion, last nights wedding reception afforded me the opportunity to catch up with a grad school friend I had not seen since grad school. Having been separated for years now we took the opportunity to take a deep dive into some of our latest and greatest theological thoughts and insights (some may call heresies). Specifically, I recall us talking about the closeness of God and how we as humans created in the image and likeness of God, bearing an imprint of the creator on our souls could not possible physically distance ourselves from God. Yet at the same time, it is very possible for us to distance ourselves from God. In failing to recognize the love and beauty that is around us and within us it becomes at times natural to distance ourselves from God, yes I know how cliche and cheesy religious hopeful that sounded... I almost vomited a little when I wrote it, even so, I actually do believe it.
I believe it because the love and beauty don't have to be the touchy-feely hallmark love and beauty. Whenever traveling or finding myself with extended amounts of free time I tend to fill it by listening to podcasts. Today I was still reflecting on the above conversation when listening to a podcast that referenced and played a clip of Chopin's Prelude in E Minor (Click Here). The podcast commented on how it is exceptionally sad. One of the hosts of the podcast sad incredibly sad yet hopeful and the other retorted and said no it's not all that hopeful at all. In hearing that I thought to myself yes it is incredibly sad and no it's not hopeful, because it doesn't have to be. Even in its sadness, it is truly exceptionally beautiful.
While some may find it difficult to believe the song is both sad and beautiful at the same time, I welcome the complexity of such a belief. Just as I welcome the complex reality that while God may never be far I may still create distance.
Peace and Blessings Always

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