Yesterday marked the start of Holy Week. With a name like Holy Week it would seem that it goes without saying that it is an important week. However I would like to reemphasis the importance of this week, far too often it is easy to jump right to Easter, however if we do that we miss out on the beauty of Holy Thursday and Good Friday, we also miss out on an opportunity to journey with Christ to the Cross.
Thursday masses around the world the presiding priest will wash feet (Pope Francis has officially stated that women are to be included in this practice, and will himself be washing the feet of refugees). Several parishes will do this differently than others. Some will have 12 men (and only men) having their feet washed, others will have 12 adults (and only adults, men and women), and still others will have 12 parishioners (men, women, adults and children/young adults), or in the a rare experience the parish will have communal foot washing where anyone is welcome to come and have their feet washed, and even wash the feet of others. If you are given the opportunity to participate please do (it is worth it!). Even if you are unable to participate actively in this practice, attend the service and I invite you to think of whose feet you would be willing to wash.
On Friday there are a couple of differing options for services as well. Good Friday is the one day of the year where a mass is not celebrated. By this I mean that on Good Friday the Eucharist used at any service was consecrated on Thursday night. While certain services will offer an opportunity to partake in the Eucharist do not be surprised if your Parish does a passion service or stations of the cross instead. Most places will also have an opportunity for veneration of the cross. Again I strongly encourage you to participate in this (it is worth it!). With most people having to work it is understandable if you cannot make it to your typical service or that life gets in the way and you simply cant make it anywhere. If this is the case I invite you to listen to the following reflecting in your own way on the beauty of the cross.
Saturday is your opportunity to partake in the Easter Vigil, yes this means you went to mass three days in a row, and yes the vigil is typically 2.5-3 hours (it is worth it!). At this mass the liturgy of the word takes us through the entirety of salvation history, it is also at this mass that we welcome the newly baptized and confirmed into the church (do you know how many people in your parish are joining the Catholic community you call home? The parish I go to here in Ohio has 17 baptisms and 27 confirmations).
I understand that this sounds like a lot of mass, a lot of church, a waste of time and maybe it is. However when I am asked what it is every year that keeps me where I am when it comes be being Catholic or not no matter how much I disagree with some of my fellow Catholics or some Church teachings I find the beauty and truth of my faith again this week.
If you have never participated in the Triduum (Holy Thursday Good Friday and Easter Vigil) let this year be the first time you do so. If you have never participated because you don't know how or want to do so alone then please join me. I can walk through it all with you! I will be at the Cathedral Holy Thursday 7:00 PM, Good Friday 8:00PM and EasterVigil 8:30PM. Don't let another year go by where you only celebrate in the resurrected Christ. Let this be the first year that you journey towards the resurrection with him and with all those around you. Let the beauty of the faith fill your Holy Week, and fill your life.
Peace and Blessings Always
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