Also the simple reality is that there is only one section I want to talk about in the readings from the 22 Sunday of Ordinary time (August 30) and that is a piece from the Gospel, however it is also from the Old Testament, for it is Christ quoting Isaiah. "This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines human precepts."
We cannot have hearts that are far from God. We cannot have hearts that are far from each other. From the beautiful Les Miserables we hear, "to love another person is to see the face of God" we must not have hearts that are far from each other.
And it is my belief that we will only see more of this mentality emerging in the year of Mercy starting in December, already we have seen Pope Francis splashed across the media, for talking about annulments and forgiveness of abortions. Perhaps if given the time this week I will post about these two things.
All I know for certain however, while I sit here on this dreary day, is that we need to fill our hearts with love for each other, and for God, but simply for God alone is not enough. After all sometimes the only thing we need to make it through the day, is knowing that someone believes you can.
Peace and Blessings Always
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