Tuesday, August 11, 2015

"A Shepherd Sent by God"

Thank you Fr. G, for a perfect quote, used as this posts title! 

This post will be covering the weekend of July 5th, the 14th Sunday Ordinary Time. The readings for this week come from Ezekiel (2:2-5), 2 Corinthians (12:7-10), and Mark (6:1-6). 

These readings, while having many many things in common, I think they are all uniquely connected because of this unifying idea that Fr. G offered in his homily (yes I do remember it from a month ago) about what it means to be a prophet, and ultimately a shepherd, but not just any shepherd, "a Shepherd send by God". In case you haven't picked up on it yet, I really like that line! 

This week for this post I am not going to quote the scripture readings, and this is why I have given you the passages above. Instead having read them, and heard them at mass, and having listened to Fr. G's homily (not ready to give it the kick ass title I give most of Fr. Bernard's but it was pretty good) I want to instead focus on the song used for the presentation of the gifts at that mass. 

And just in case there is anyone reading this who doesn't realize how crazy (in the best of ways) I am, here is a picture of the worship aide from that mass. Yes, yes I have been carrying it around for the past month knowing I wanted to reflect on this particular song. As a result of the poor quality of the picture I will type out the words to the song below. 

For those of you who find reading simply too exhausting and are thinking, "my God Mike its a miracle I make it through all the crap you have to say", here is a video link to the song :) 

First Verse: 
As a fire is meant for burning With a 
bright and warming flame, So the church is meant for 
mission, Giving glory to God's name. 
Not to preach our creeds, or customs, but to 
build a bridge of care, We join hands across the 
nations, Finding neighbors everywhere. 

Second Verse: 
We are learners; we are teachers; We are 
pilgrims on the way. We are seekers; we are 
givers; We are vessels made of clay. 
By our gentle, loving actions, We would 
show that Christ is light. In a humble listening
Spirit, We would live to God's delight. 

Third Verse: 
As a green bud in the spring time Is a 
sign of life renewed, So may we be signs of 
oneness 'Mid earth's peoples, many hued. 
As a rainbow lights the heavens When a 
storm is past and gone, May our lives reflect the 
radiance of God's new and glorious dawn. 

This song was one I had never heard before and was not familiar with, and perhaps as a result of that I decided not to sing along, but rather to simply listen to the beautiful choir. I believe it is as a result of list listening that i was able to hear what the song really had to offer. More over I heard this song echo the first reading about an old testament prophet, I heard the words of Paul to the Corintians, and I heard the gospel of Mark, all combined into one song. With Fr. G's homily having just come to an end I also heard his voice filling my head in a booming way as it does the great space of the cathedral. And in this song I heard what the church truly was meant to be and is, a Shepherd sent by God. 

I'm sad it was my first time hearing such a beautiful song in 22 years of church attendance, yet I am delighted that I have now heard it and can move forward sharing it with as many as possible, for as long as possible. 

I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did, and do. 

Peace and Blessings Always 

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