Well over a month ago now I had the opportunity to sit at a brewery, drink a beer and listen as a gathering of people from a church I am not a member of answer the question 'What Makes a Christian a Christian?'
As I sat and listened to the answers to this question that the people around me offered I had to reflect on the answer I had prepared to give. While one individual talked about the idea of being partially Christian on one's own and only fully Christian when a member of a Christian community I was left to wonder if one could be partially Christian?
While my mind wandered down this rabbit hole I began to truly reflect on the overly simplified answer I came with that a Christian is someone who identifies Christ as their lord and savior and attempts to live their life accordingly. While I'm sure in many classrooms that answer may be the perfect fit. Had I been able to articulate this in grade school I'm certain I would have impressed and annoyed many of the people around me.
Yet as I sat there drinking a beer and listening to these authentic insights from peoples experiences my mind naturally turned to the theological concept of Anonymous Christian (for the Rahner nerds out there I hope you see how I connected these dots).
Here I was left to wonder, is being a Christian more than a seemingly simple creedal statement of belief? Now with this having been over a month ago, I cannot pinpoint what comment or what passing thing out the window hit me but suddenly all I could think of was a song sometimes sung at mass.
The answer came to me in a song I'd sung hundreds of times, a song that more often than not drove me nuts, a simple song, "We Are One in the Spirit". In particular, in this song there is a line repeated over and over again, "They will know we are Christians by our love". That's it. That is the answer. As simple as it sounds. What makes a Christian a Christian is the love that they share with the world.
As simple as that sounds it may well be the most difficult answer to the question. Saying a few words and being considered a Christian would be easy. However, the reality is that this label isn't meant to be an easy mantle to carry to truly love is a far more difficult task than simply reciting a few words from a creed on Sunday.
The question I leave you with, the rabbit hole I continue to wonder down is, when did loving become so hard?
Peace and Blessings Always